Monday, January 28, 2013

Pizza Dough

This makes about 5 10oz dough balls..


32 oz. Bread Flour
20 oz. Filtered Water (ice cold bottled water)
2 teaspoons Kosher Salt
1 teaspoons Yeast (whatever you have.. instant, bread maker, dry, etc)

Summarized Method:

The Autolyze..
COMBINE - 75% flour (24 oz) and all 20 oz of water. Cover and rest for 1 - 2 hrs

After the autolyze period:
MIX - remaining 25% flour, salt and yeast
KNEAD - mixed dry ingredients into the autolyzed doug. Knead until fully incorporated and dough is nice and smooth.
STORE - dough ball in a plastic container in the refrigerator for about 24 hrs.

2 hours prior to the cook:
PORTION - remove dough from the refrigerator and portion into balls with a scrapper and scale. (I do 10 oz. dough balls for about a 12 to 14 inch pizza).
PROOF - Dough balls for 2 hours on lightly oiled (EVOO) parchment paper and cover with lightly oiled plastic wrap.

I try to get the dough balls close to room temp without getting too much of a rise out of the dough.  I'll get small air blisters in the dough as I'm pushing the dough out. I try to target the rise of the dough for the actual oven bake.  Once it hits the heat it will rise.

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